How Samsung and HTC Makes Fun of the Super-Size iPhone 6 In The Most Hilarious Way

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iPhone 6 defects

After streams of rumors and customer demands , Apple has showcased their new iPhone. 
Undoubtedly , September 9th was a big day for all the Apple fan boys   Apple has just given them a new iPhone with Bigger Screen, Bigger Performance and Elegant design 

Surprisingly, customers will have a choice of two phone to consider, the 4.7-inch iPhone 6 and the 5.5-inch iPhone 6 Plus.

But, folks ! After all it's an Apple iPhone launch and can you expect a day without controversy and mock up ? Haha 
 ! Did you ? 

                                I Didn't !


Apple's latest iPhone , the iPhone 6+ represents the biggest screen size boost in iPhone history.
I now remember those words said by Steve Jobs back in 2010, 

No one is ever going to buy a big phone.

Hours before said " 
Remember the time when Apple said that making smaller phones is just common sense? Oh well, those words have come back to bite them, big time.  "

The big time to bite back with those Big Screen . Haha ! That comment worth a million. 
The new iPhone 6 + joins the Samsung's 5.7 inch Galaxy Note 4 and the sammy fans are pretty much enjoying the game on the shore with apple fanboys ( #MORETHANBIG)  

HTC mocks iPhone 6 launch via Twitter

Just after the Apple iPhone launch , HTC has come up with something for defense. HTC tweeted a photo in which the iPhone and M8 stands on terms where the new iPhone looks quite similar to M8 comparing the back side of the phone.  

Apart from these mock ups , the famous online shopping central pokes the iPhone 6 phone makers with a damn funny tweet as a part of the promotion of their kangaroo pants [ Just made for iPhone   ]

So folks , What do you think ? Is the iPhone 6 worth for deal ? I'm waiting to hear your voice.

Source : , Twitter Tweets

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