Saturday, 18 April 2015
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Why Google Loves Responsive Design Pattern and Why You Should Too
In the beginning of the next weekend , Tuesday 21st April 2015 Google had decided to take a huge step towards ranking websites in search engine. In the past few months, Google has been rolling out a few inflexible updates like Panda and Penguin. And now, Google is about to hit with another one - The Mobile Friendly Update, which primarily focuses on favouring mobile friendly websites in their mobile searches.
Ever since this update was announced, bloggers and other site owners have been taking serious steps towards moulding their sites into a responsive design pattern.However, it is said that the mobile friendly ranking algorithm will not create any impact on the desktop searches. But, as the world goes mobile it is very important to make your sites compatible with mobile devices.
Hence, in order to keep you informed about this big deal in 2015, Webby Monks has come up with an infographic which gives you useful insights on-
* Why Responsive WebDesign is a big deal in 2015
* Why is there a need to switch to responsive design pattern
* Why Google loves Responsive WebDesign
* Steps for safeguarding your WordPress website against the mobile friendly update and much more.
Don't Miss : One Page Websites Kill SEO, Adwords, Traffic, and Usability
Source: Webby Monks
Have Your Say !
The smart new mobile friendly algorithm could turn up to be a ranking booster for some and penalty for some others. Have you made your move towards facing this big update that is ready to roll. What steps have you taken towards this ?Share it with us in comments .

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